
How old will my puppy be on the day of pick up?

Your puppy will be eight weeks old the week of pick up. At this age, the puppy has received the first round of immunizations. The puppy is old enough to be weaned and leave his environment, while still being young enough to adjust to a new one.


Will my puppy be microchipped?

Since not everyone desires to have their puppy microchipped, and microchipping is not reversible, we chose not to microchip our puppies. Microchipping also gets complicated when transferring microchipping paperwork to the new owner for both parties.

Do you remove the puppie’s dew claw?

Dewclaws serve a necessary and helpful purpose while performing activities such as climbing, and even running. For this reason, we chose not to remove a necessary part of the dog’s body. By doing this, the owner also has the choice to remove the dewclaw if he or she desires to later on. For more information on dewclaws click on this link:



All puppies receive their first round of vaccinations at six weeks. Each owner will receive a vaccination record from our vet on the day of puppy pick up. Then, at around ten weeks or older, our vet recommends the second round of vaccinations.


All puppies are wormed with a general wormer at six and eight weeks (every two weeks). Worming records are included in the vacination record.


Do I have to deposite in order to researve a puppy?

Yes, a deposit is necessary to reserve a puppy. Once the deposit has been deposited, the puppies will be reserved until the day of pickup, unless the depositor backs out. This deposit is non-refundable. The purpose of the deposit is to demonstrate your interest and commitment to purchasing a puppy.

Qualifications and Characteristics:

Are both the mother and father dogs AKC (American Kennal Club) registered?

Beau, our father (who is a poodle) is registered with the AKC (American Kennel Club). Since Milly, our female is a Goldendoodle, and Goldendoodles are not yet recognized with the AKC, she is not registered with the AKC.

How can I tell what my puppy’s personality will be like? How will I know what personality is best for me?

We want to match up the best personality fit for you and what you are looking for. Puppies’ personalities start really showing at five to six weeks, so we begin the process of picking out puppies then. At six weeks, the personalities can be best determined, and more information will be known at this age. Most of the puppies’ personalities really develop to be what the owner puts into and makes of their puppy.

Will my puppy be trained by eight weeks?

At Honeydoodles of Kansas, our primary focus is on raising happy Goldendoodles that will make lifelong companions. We purposefully do not invest our primary focus into training puppies, because we believe that this is a valuable bonding opportunity for your new puppy to experience through training. Different owners also have different training methods and preferences and we want to respect that. We want each owner to use their own training methods and preferences.

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